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NEW Azure Marketplace Offers Amplify Support for Microsoft Community

February has been packed full of new Forsyte offers entering the Azure Marketplace. Most recently earning the coveted Windows Virtual Desktop Advanced Specialization (WVD), Forsyte’s Windows Virtual Desktop Quick Start (7-Wk Pilot) has seen big press and lots of momentum. If you have (or are) a client looking to kick the tires on WVD before fully deploying the service, now is the time to take the leap. Simply submit a deal in Partner Center from the Co-sell ready Windows Virtual Desktop Quick Start and we’ll be notified immediately to work with you.

PIM Extender offers have arrived in the Azure Marketplace for those looking for an easier way to access Microsoft’s Privileged Identity Management (PIM). Forsyte’s own IP, PIM Extender, does exactly what it infers…it extends a client’s PIM service to a client environment, allowing easier control, management, and monitoring of important resources, such as Azure AD, Azure, and other Microsoft Online Services like M365 and Intune. View these PIM Extender offers for Education and Commercial organizations in the Marketplace to connect a deal.

Forsyte’s newest IP, CalendarConnect, is getting lots of buzz in the Microsoft EDU community and is live in the Azure Marketplace. This is great news for clients who have users on Google and Office 365 subscriptions but don’t want to intermingle the two for reasons based on convenience. CalendarConnect is a Teams app built to make life easier for clients looking to bridge the calendaring gap between Google and Office 365. CalendarConnect supports users where they are in creating a sustainable collaboration infrastructure.

For more insights into Forsyte’s Microsoft Marketplace offers, please visit us here.

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At Forsyte Guardian 365, we believe in transparency and hands-on experiences. Complete the form to request your personalized demo. Remember, security is not a luxury. It's a necessity. Let's empower your team with Guardian 365! 

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